Saturday, February 9, 2013


Mr. Elias blog was about how technology can be a struggle for several of the older teachers and a relief for the younger ones. Technology effects the teaching world.
My comment to Scott Elias:
Mr. Elias, I am a student at University of South Alabama in EDM 310. I understand when you talk about there being a huge technology gap between the generation today and the older generation. Last week in class we were discussing how fast technology has come in just twenty years. A am studying to be a teacher and I know it can be hard to keep up with all the technology that is coming out but if we don't keep up then we will get left behind. If we get left behind we are doing yourself and the students we are teaching an injustice. In ten years there will be even more technology to use that didn't exsist today. It is hard to know how we are supposed to teach our students when we are not even sure what will be accessable to them in the future. We have to show students how fast technology grows, prepare them for a world surrounded by technology, and show them how fun and useful it can be . Then, they will hopefully learn to use it to their advantage.

Feb.7th This bog was about how the rich are using their money to make the schools set up how they want and the effects it could have.
My comment to Scott Elias:
Mr. Elias, My name is Jennifer Whitley. I am from University of South Alabama EDM 310. I agree that the “Walmartization” of education sound scary. If the rich are the ones running the school that can do whatever they want with them. Every school, county, state, and students are not alike. You can’t have one standard for all of them. In education you have to work with the students to help them with their specific needs. The education world is not an experiment the rich can move around and play with as they want. That video is very interesting and scary.

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