Sunday, March 10, 2013

Blog Post #8

Richard Miller
In Richard Miller's videos, he talks about how incremental change. One example of this is, people are doing most of their work online and hardly ever go to libraries. Most work can be done on the computer instead of using pencil and paper. This is now accessible anywhere with any device, the information is endless. When you have the internet you create different videos or find videos and make the subject more interesting. The information on the internet changes all the time.
Educators can create material like these types of videos and share them to the world or use the videos and documents that we find in our classes. Information and materials should not be kept to ourselves but shared among others for their enlightenment and resources. As Richard Miller said in this video," This is a way to push ideas into our culture". I agree with Mr. Miller's statement. I believe that we can come up with our own ideas by watching and listening to other's ideas. As teachers we cannot be afraid to ask for help.
The generations we teach will be impacted. Do we want the next generation to impact for the good? If we can't do what needs to be done to prepare ourselves for the position we will have then we might want to step aside and let someone else more qualified to teach. As teachers we have to give our students ideas and inspiration so they can come up with their own ideas and dreams that is what teachers are there for. Teachers are not there just to put facts in kid’s head but to put ideas, dreams, values, and knowledge that can be used for their future.
I think I would be prepared to teacher my students with multimedia devices. I have grown up with a lot of these devices so I don't think it would be a problem for me. I think bring videos in to the classroom changes the atmosphere and the kids would love it. Although I have used Youtube many times, I have never thought of using it to save videos for my future classroom. Even if I didn't know much about multimedia I would have to learn how to use it because it is a huge part of society and teaching now. There are so many resources out there to use so why waste them. Then in the future I will have a wonderful idea and I can share it with the world.

Carly's Blog Post
I think's Carly's Post hits the nail on the head when it comes to Richard Miller's videos.She did a wonderful job of giving us an idea of finding and saving videos for future reference. As many times as I have watched videos on Youtube I have never thought about saving some for when I am teaching. She did a very good job picking out videos that could be very helpful.

EDM310 for Dummies and Student's Video
In the first video, they talked about procrastination. I have a huge problem with procrastinating and getting stuff done the day before it is due .I have been getting better. This video just shows that there are many excuses that we can make but eventually we all come to the same conclusion. Having a degree can not only help you get the job you want but it can help you get paid better too. The second video was a good video for beginners. This class is not extremely hard but it has a lot of work some weeks but if you don't procrastinate and get the work done on time then you don't have to worry. This class can be is vital for teaching in the future generations. We are being prepared without even knowing it. Even if we don't realize it now, later we will be grateful for this class.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn In this Learn to Change, Change to Learn video we are reminded that technology is a part of our normal life so why is it not part of our normal school life. I completely agree with this video. The students of today’s generations and everyone after them are use technology every day. It is a part of their lives and that will never change. As teachers, we are supposed to keep students engaged in what we do in the classroom. If we can't do that then we have no luck in keeping their attention. If we include technology in our classroom students we be more excited about learning because it is something they enjoy doing.

Scavenger Hunt
I have actually already created one for one of my other classes. You can decorate and put whatever information you want. You can work with a group to create a page or you can do it by yourself. It shows you who did what changes to the page. the members of the wiki can have a conversation to discuss the work on the wiki. You can share the page with friends.In the wiki a teacher could put any information ti the kids or parents need to know about homework,classwork, projects, or parent information. This could be a very useful site. There would ot reason for the paretns or children to not know what was going on in the class because everything would be in the wiki.
2.Comic Strip

This is a powerpoint maker. It allows you to create the power point in any way you want. You can make a scene of whatever you like, then, put the slides all over the scene.


  1. Hi Jennifer,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog. I, myself, also need to work on my procrastination. Dr. Strange's class is helping me not procrastinate being as there's no way we can get all that work due on Sunday. I really enjoyed Carly's blog too! Good job on your comic strip! I was kinda terrified of doing a comic strip, so kudos to you!

  2. "Even if we don't realize it now, later we will be grateful for this class." I hope so.

    Thoughtful. Interesting.

  3. Hey! Your blog post was great. You are right about having to keep up with technology in today's society. New things are invented just as soon as we get use to working some other search engine, but you are right. As educators we have to stay on to of things to benefit our students. I also have a problem with procrastination, but I was getting better until the last blog post was due. Good job on your comic strip!
