Sunday, April 21, 2013

Blog Post #13

In Brian Crosby's video, he allows his students to do projects and then those students blog about the projects. They also use the class Wiki and many other web accounts to keep up with class work. These students don't take test like a normal class. I think this is really interesting that a class this young is doing all this with technology. I would love to do projects like this with my students. This makes the students more engaged and enjoy the class more. This is what classes should look like. These students are starting their PLN now. They are able to interact with people all over the world. I believe that eventually every classroom will look like this.
In Paul Anderson's video, he talked about the Blended Learning cycle. By using the acronym "QUIVERS", Paul is able to teach the students in his classroom. First, he brings up a question at the beginning of class. Then, he allows his students to investigate. Then, the students have to watch a video/podcast that the teacher has created. Next, Mr. Anderson elaborates on the subject matter. Then, he goes to groups or individuals and reviews by asking them specific questions on the subject matter to see if they know the answers. This allows the students to explain what they just learned. Last, after the students prove that they understand the subject matter at the time, a quiz is taken to prove they know the material. I think this is a very good strategy! The process makes sense. Every step has a purpose and without one step you cannot go on the next. When you take time to ask specific questions to small groups then you really can assess if they know the material or not. I would use this in my classroom. When class first starts, you always want something to grab their attention. When you ask a question it creates curiosity in what you are going to say or do next. Also, when you make the students review and prove they know the material before letting the take a quiz this it makes them more likely to do better on that quiz.


  1. I liked the strategy Mr. Anderson used also! Well written.

  2. "..This makes the students more engaged and enjoy the class more. This is what classes should look like. These students are starting their PLN now. They are able to interact with people all over the world." - I believe this is what classes should look like too! The children are learning how to collaborate early which is really important. I also agree with your concluding statement about reviewing before quizzes; it can only lead to a positive outcome. Great post!
