Wednesday, April 24, 2013


My Comment to Angela Vliet:
Angela, I am Jennifer from EDM 310. I completely agree with Dr. Pausch's statement too. I am not a very organized person and I have been learning the past couple years. Without planning when I would do my school work and study I would be in trouble.I have to put eveything in a calendar to keep track of everything. I ,also, completely understand your problems doing school work and studying. I have found that studying a little at a time can help in the long run. Once your teachers give you a chapter, studying that chapter that night is easier than having a cram session the day before the test. When I study it makes it easier if I take short breaks every couple hours if I know I will be studying for a long period of time. Also, I learned that when I study I have to be in a quiet room with no music or tv to distract me. When I was younger I could handle all the distractions with ease, but not now. I can't even handle people talking in the next room while I am doing school work. When you schedule a time to study or do work and stick to that schedule it makes school a lot less stressful.

Jan. 31st
My comment to Alexandria Thompson:
Alexandria, I think you did a good job on this blog. I liked how you quoted Sir. Ken Robinson to get your point across. I would suggest that you go back to the blog #1 and look under the "VERY IMPORTANT" section. This section shows how to separate each paragraph and topics. Also, you may want to check your spelling of Pinterest. Have a good day!

Feb. 7th
My comment on Rebecca Stuart:
"..that money could be used to go toward a much bigger national debt.." I agree. I don't understand why gaming is so big either. I just think of other things I could use that money for.
As a whole the blog post was fine, but you may want to go back and read it out loud. Some of the word choices you used were not really needed or was in the wrong tense.

February 12 My comment to Alexandria Thompson:
Alexandria, I think it is very interesting that students that are so young are learning to use this type of technology. I agree that it is a very good tool to use to keep the parents informed about what is going on in the classroom and seeing what the students are leaning. I believe creating a script is very important too. I never thought about how important punctuation is when you are talking. You made a very good point.Although, I did see a punctuation error. You may also want to check the very last sentence and reword it.

Febuary 20 My comment on Rebecca Stuart:
Rebecca, I completely agree with you about flipping the classroom. I think it is a fantastic idea. I have never heard of it before this class but it makes so much sense. Of course you may have to go over what was taught online in the videos for the children that don't quite get it but at least you will not spend most of the time on lecturing. The rest of the class can be spent on practicing what was learned and helping the other students in the class. I will find a school that allows me to teach this way because I believe so much in it.

March 1st
My Comment to Jarrod Roberts:
I think that is a fantastic analogy for why we need teachers, when it comes to networked students. All of those little parts really explain how much is out there but when you learn to use it correctly then it can function in the way it was meant to be.

March 6th
My Comment to Abigail Mularz:
I was worried too when I started reading about having a PLN. I think after we have more practice it will come easier to us. We have to have a PLN to help us in the future so we might as well get started now. Good luck with creating your PLN

March 20
My Comment to Abigail Mularz:
This is quote is the most mind blowing part of this video.
"Children are having a much more stimulating and rich environment outside of school. They are very rich content developers through their social websites, portable computers, and cell phones yet all of these are banned in school. 'Every turned off device is potentially a turned off child.' Technology needs to be accepted in the classroom; it is not there to provide information on traditional subjects."
I think this tells us, as teacher, we have to do everything possible to grab the attention of our students. What we are doing now is obviously not working so something has to change.

March 30
My Comment to Rebecca Stuart:
Rebecca, I feel the same way about student teaching and my first year of teaching. I can also be very shy around people I don't know, which will not make that situation better. It is a little scary to think of, so the first thing I did was read about his first year of teaching too. I have already learned by working at a daycare for four years that even if you plan like crazy it does not always go as planned. We never know what the day holds so it is better to be overly prepared than the students have nothing to do.

April 6
My comment to Alexandria Higdon:
My school was the same way about using phones. If we were caught they were taken until the end of the school year. I only had one teacher that used technology in the classroom for a fun way for us to learn and that was my favorite class. Kids are drawn to technology and staying in communication with people so why not bring that into the classroom.
"He realizes how much students will learn using technology and he challenges the reader at the end to try not using the technology and see which students come out on top. He knows that the students using the technology and resources not allowed to the others will reach more places and become better students."
This is so true! There are so many jobs that include knowing how to use computers and other technology. Students that have more knowledge about technology will be more likely to get better jobs and ultimately succeed in higher levels because they are more skilled.

April 17th
My comment to Lindsey:
These sites you have mentioned sound very interesting. I will have to go check them out for future use. As teachers, we have to come up with so much creative material for our classes. This site would be fantastic for a first year teacher. Thank you for the head start in preparing us!

April 24th
My comment to Ciara Deese:
I also love this type of teaching. This engages the students and makes them to competely understand the subject before moving to the next step.

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