Friday, April 26, 2013

Blog Post #14

In this article, we are informed of something called E-Reading. This is something that can be used to determine whether a student is reading the text book. Teachers never know if students are reading the material for class. Some students may never even open the book. This allows a teacher to keep up with who all is participating in reading the chapters that are being taught. Is this a good thing or bad thing?

Teacher's Point of View:
In the point of view of the teacher, this may be just another thing to add on to their work load. It also allows the teacher to determine if, even if someone did read, the book is appropriate for his or her classroom. There may be a possibility that, even if the student did read, the book may not explain a topic enough and the teacher needs to go over the topic in even more depth or explain the subject differently than the book did. It also allows the teacher to see which learning strategies work for which students. Some students may be able to just go by what the teacher teaches in class and not read and catch on just as quick. Some students may be able to read what is on the E-Reading but still not be able to comprehend what was read. When students get to college shouldn't they be expected to figure out their own study habits, so why should a college teacher have to keep up with something that should already be a responsibility for a student? This allows a teacher to determine if their class is so easy that students don't need a book. It could also show if a class is too hard. In that case the students did read the book they still had problems.

In the Student's Point of View:
The students may think that this is more work that has to be done on his or her part also. With the E-Reading tool they will be made to be even more responsible, this is a good thing. Now the teacher will know for a fact if they read what they were supposed to or not. They will not be able to get away with not reading and lying about reading. The proof will be in E-Reading. Although the student may not like this, it will actually help them be more prepared for class and tests they will be given. Also, this can show the students, if they didn’t do well on a chapter, reading is very important and it makes a difference in how you perform in the classroom. If the students come to this conclusion, they will take more of an initiative to read. The student will adjust his or her studying style to incorporate more reading.

Questions of Teachers:
-How much work does it add on to you to have to keep up with how much everyone is reading?
-What if a student is not good at reading and comprehending what they just read?
- What if a student reads and still does not do well on performances in the class?
-What if the E-Reading book does not explain the subject well. What would you have to do?
-Some students may be better at writing the information down when it is discussed in class instead of reading it. Would they be penalized for not reading even if they did well on the test?

Questions of Students:
- Are you more aware of the importance of reading your text book?
- Are you taking notes from your text book in your normal study habits?
-Would you prefer to write notes down to study or read?
- Do you like the fact that your reading is being watched?
-Have you noticed and improvement in your grades when you actually read the chapters?
-Are the books useful in your classes? Do they explain the topics in enough detail?

My Comment:
I think it may be a good idea for middle school and high school students, but not for college students. Those students should already have good study habits. Some students may not be able to just read a couple chapters and understand everything right away. I am definitely one of those students. I don't learn by reading chapter after chapter. I may even have to read something over and over until I completely grasp everything it is talking about because I get distracted very easily. I have to write stuff down, hear it out loud, and see it in action with my own eyes. Yes, it could be a good idea for some teachers to use as a guide, but just because some students don't read the text book and does well on a test does not necessarily mean they class is too easy. It may just be that they are a good guesser, studied their notes really hard, made flash cards and sang a little song to remember the information.

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